Plot: Excellent Characters: Excellent Style: Excellent Themes: Excellent Liked best: test Liked least: test Other comments: test, i tell you! Coments from: United States Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Good Characters: Good Style: Good Themes: Excellent Liked best: The qualities possed by the AI's were very lovable. I truely felt that maybe someday soon this could be in fact very possible. I would love to see a longer more indept story, however. Your use of the Internet was extremely unreal! By using hyperlinks one could understand any reference with little explanation or research. It was this quality that I loved the most! Liked least: Although Natasha seemed to enjoy pleasing herself and her boyfriend, she seemed too unreal. The humanity and sentient qualities of all the characters (including the AIs) were relatable except her's. It is fiction after all and who knows, maybe I will one day meet someone such as her (in some form) in my life. Other comments: Other pictures could have been more conducive to the "experience" of the book. Granted, it's a book and books do not need pictures and shouldn't. This is a media, however that could borrow greatly from good graphic design and illustration/photography. Coments from: United States Commenter's age: 19 Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Good Characters: Good Style: Good Themes: Excellent Liked best: The qualities possed by the AI's were very lovable. I truely felt that maybe someday soon this could be in fact very possible. I would love to see a longer more indept story, however. Your use of the Internet was extremely unreal! By using hyperlinks one could understand any reference with little explanation or research. It was this quality that I loved the most! Liked least: Although Natasha seemed to enjoy pleasing herself and her boyfriend, she seemed too unreal. The humanity and sentient qualities of all the characters (including the AIs) were relatable except her's. It is fiction after all and who knows, maybe I will one day meet someone such as her (in some form) in my life. Other comments: Other pictures could have been more conducive to the "experience" of the book. Granted, it's a book and books do not need pictures and shouldn't. This is a media, however that could borrow greatly from good graphic design and illustration/photography. Coments from: United States Commenter's age: 19 Commenter's gender: male Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Excellent Characters: Excellent Style: Excellent Themes: Excellent Liked best: very sexy Liked least: nothing Other comments: nothing Coments from: United States Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Excellent Characters: Good Style: Excellent Themes: Excellent Liked best: your style - and your links at the bottom of each chapter Liked least: no .zip file for offline reading Other comments: can i put the story in a .zip file on my homepage? Coments from: Europe Commenter's age: 28 Commenter's gender: female Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Excellent Characters: Good Style: Good Themes: Excellent Liked best: It's pro-anarchist, pro-pacifism viewpoint, and the grammar and spelling. Too much fiction on the net is lousy with grammatical and spelling mistakes. Liked least: IT'S FICTION! Seriously, I think some of the characters were too stereotyped; the revolutionary professor with his head in the clouds, and the older man-younger woman thing. Other comments: Coments from: Europe Commenter's age: 31 Commenter's gender: male Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Good Characters: Excellent Style: Good Themes: Excellent Liked best: The whole fuck the government idea...they do get too much into our business (i came across this story while researching for a paper on censorship). Liked least: the plot was a bit teenageish (not a real word!!) Other comments: Coments from: United States Commenter's age: 19 Commenter's gender: female Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Good Characters: Excellent Style: Excellent Themes: Excellent Liked best: the mix of different real life aspects Liked least: it's over! Other comments: great story, I enjoyed it very much. Thank you for posting this! Coments from: Canada Commenter's age: 32 Commenter's gender: male Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Excellent Characters: Excellent Style: Excellent Themes: Good Liked best: It is different from most of the things that I read--That's a good thing. It's not dry or stodgy. Liked least: I don't know that I is something that I don't like... Other comments: None Coments from: United States Commenter's age: 22 Commenter's gender: female Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Good Characters: Good Style: Good Themes: Average Liked best: The storyline was easy to follow, and fast moving. Never bored! Liked least: Having to stop between chapters. Other comments: more links Coments from: United States Commenter's age: 38 Commenter's gender: male Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Good Characters: Average Style: Good Themes: Excellent Liked best: difficult, unresolved intellectual ideas and positive, consciously ambiguous, sex, Liked least: Slightly didactic tone. Lack of sense of place. Other comments: Really good fun. Coments from: Europe Commenter's age: 38 Commenter's gender: male Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Excellent Characters: Excellent Style: Good Themes: Excellent Liked best: Just a good read with a good balance between IQ, humanity, and porn Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: United States Commenter's age: 53 Commenter's gender: male Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Good Characters: Good Style: Excellent Themes: Good Liked best: Good concepts, edgy Liked least: I hate the page layout. I do most of my reading on a Jornada, and it's badly laid out for it, with all the sub-links. Other comments: Coments from: United States Commenter's age: 22 Commenter's gender: male Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Good Characters: Good Style: Excellent Themes: Good Liked best: Good concepts, edgy Liked least: I hate the page layout. I do most of my reading on a Jornada, and it's badly laid out for it, with all the sub-links. Other comments: Coments from: United States Commenter's age: 22 Commenter's gender: male Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Excellent Characters: Good Style: Good Themes: Excellent Liked best: Very unique idea. Highly stimulating to the mind....... Liked least: Didn't like? God forbid!!!!!!! ^_____^ Other comments: heh, well. That gave me lots of wonderful for the imagination Coments from: Canada Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Excellent Characters: Excellent Style: Excellent Themes: Excellent Liked best: This writing has not met the paper yet, cool Liked least: kind of hard to read, Other comments: I am trying to do a novel myself, and your writing is just an example to follow Coments from: Mexico/Central America Commenter's age: 25 Commenter's gender: male Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Good Characters: Excellent Style: Excellent Themes: Excellent Liked best: Bondage, beauty, success against "big brother". Liked least: The girl's death. Other comments: Enjoyed it. Coments from: United States Commenter's age: >60 Commenter's gender: male Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Excellent Characters: Excellent Style: Excellent Themes: Excellent Liked best: AI everywhere Liked least: No link to Justine Light at the end Other comments: Coments from: United States Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Good Characters: Excellent Style: Good Themes: Excellent Liked best: The characterization, the A.I.s become human in a very real sense, but are still limited in their ability to understand humanity completly. Liked least: Sometimes the sex scenes were a little over the top. They are very necessary for the story, but some of them were heavy handed. Other comments: This is a story that wouPlot: Characters: Good Style: Good Themes: Excellent Liked best: i enjoyed the writing Liked least: Other comments: should be published, i thought it was great Coments from: United States Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Excellent Characters: Excellent Style: Good Themes: Good Liked best: The real world analogies Liked least: Slow internet connecttion at my end Other comments: Coments from: Europe Commenter's age: 31 Commenter's gender: male Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Excellent Characters: Excellent Style: Excellent Themes: Excellent Liked best: Modern/futurustic theme. Based on AI, something I find very interesting. Liked least: Too short ! Other comments: Write a sequal. Please Coments from: Europe Commenter's age: 19 Commenter's gender: male Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Average Characters: Excellent Style: Themes: Excellent Liked best: The philisophical debate Liked least: Parts of the plot seemed cliche and some of the characters seemed archetypal Other comments: Is there a sequel? :) Coments from: United States Commenter's age: 19 Commenter's gender: male Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Excellent Characters: Excellent Style: Excellent Themes: Excellent Liked best: I loved the way you looked at current events in a way that could be possible in the future...used futuristic technology in a way that is totally realistic. Liked least: it wasn't long enough...I could've kept reading forever Other comments: I have recommended it to many friends, and they all have enjoyed it Coments from: United States Commenter's age: 20 Commenter's gender: male Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Excellent Characters: Excellent Style: Excellent Themes: Excellent Liked best: How well developed the characters are Liked least: Sometimes, it seems to ramble on a little, esoecially regarding anarchism/Tao Other comments: Sequel? Possibly? Coments from: Canada Commenter's age: 30 Commenter's gender: male Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Excellent Characters: Good Style: Good Themes: Excellent Liked best: I like the way the story makes you actually look at the way things are going in this world, and how they might turn out--but for the decisions we make as a whole. Liked least: The fact that it took so long for Jim and Natasha to figure out the main culprit behind their problems. Other comments: I'd really love to see a sequel or continuation of this story. Possibly a bit deeper into the revolution? Coments from: United States Commenter's age: 23 Commenter's gender: male Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Excellent Characters: Excellent Style: Excellent Themes: Excellent Liked best: "Because I'm a hologram..." statement Liked least: Not enough description of the sex (really, that's all I've got) Other comments: Well done. Well done indeed. (I do not give praise often, if at all) Coments from: United States Commenter's age: 16 Commenter's gender: male Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Good Characters: Excellent Style: Average Themes: Average Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: United States Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: male Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Excellent Characters: Excellent Style: Excellent Themes: Excellent Liked best: the plot that is filled with philosophical references Liked least: bondage - i'm not that big a fan! Other comments: do u have other kinds of sexual-philosophical stories?? also, who actually wrote these stories? do u have any co-writing stuff - for example, let readers finish or contribute certain parts of stories? do u accept submissions from readers?? I am an aspiring writer - tho' i haven't tried writing erotic stuff - i like intellectual erotic stuff like Indecent Communications - I think it is REALLY COOL!! I am female n i like porn - certain porn N I LIKE ARTICLES IN PLAYBOY - certain ones quite intellectual! i would really like to explore more - the links between sex/eroticism and philosphy/religion! Coments from: Asia Commenter's age: 33 Commenter's gender: female Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Excellent Characters: Excellent Style: Excellent Themes: Excellent Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: United States Commenter's age: 43 Commenter's gender: male Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Good Characters: Excellent Style: Good Themes: Excellent Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: United States Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Good Characters: Good Style: Excellent Themes: Good Liked best: The self-consciously ironic dialog; the recursion of an internet porn story about internet porn censorship. Liked least: I had some trouble with the plot -- almost all of which was made up for by the adequate characterizations. Other comments: Very amusing. Kept me reading. Coments from: United States Commenter's age: 31 Commenter's gender: female Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Average Characters: Good Style: Good Themes: Excellent Liked best: Bill Baxter , Justine and Stan characters ; (virtual) sex Liked least: The plot Other comments: Coments from: Europe Commenter's age: 37 Commenter's gender: female Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Average Characters: Excellent Style: Excellent Themes: Excellent Liked best: I loved the way you linked the story to various other sources of interesting info, like the tao of Pooh. Liked least: The plot was enjoyable but not really unpredictable Other comments: It's nice to see SM in the context of a loving relationship, the way it is with most kinky people, rather than glamourising it as some sort of deviant thing. Coments from: Australia Commenter's age: :) Commenter's gender: female Commenter's e-mail: (if you want!) Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Good Characters: Good Style: Good Themes: Excellent Liked best: The way stan evolved as the story progressed Liked least: The amount of sex Other comments: It was a mindfuck, and you should think about getting it published. Coments from: United States Commenter's age: 17 Commenter's gender: male Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Excellent Characters: Excellent Style: Good Themes: Excellent Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Australia Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: male Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Excellent Characters: Excellent Style: Excellent Themes: Excellent Liked best: It's hopeful tone in these dark days Liked least: It's a bit out of date, AI looks to be a long way off still Other comments: Thanks for writing it, I'm always happy to see that their are people out there who, to paraphrase Ellul, are not content to accept greater efficiency as the only good. Coments from: United States Commenter's age: 36 Commenter's gender: male Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Excellent Characters: Excellent Style: Excellent Themes: Excellent Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: United States Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: female Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: its raunchy Liked least: no ws/lovepotions/hypnosis going on Other comments: promote temple of priapus Coments from: United States Commenter's age: 64 Commenter's gender: male Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Excellent Characters: Excellent Style: Excellent Themes: Excellent Liked best: the quiet revolution of the ai's Liked least: it was too short Other comments: please write more, I enjoy your writing Coments from: United States Commenter's age: 30 Commenter's gender: male Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Excellent Characters: Excellent Style: Excellent Themes: Excellent Liked best: the way AI rights are pictured. The connection between pornographic expression and democracy Liked least: Other comments: write more stories :-) Coments from: Europe Commenter's age: 30 Commenter's gender: male Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Excellent Characters: Excellent Style: Excellent Themes: Excellent Liked best: Everything Liked least: some of your external links are broken Other comments: I think that was a brilliant read, good mix of sexuality, politics, good story, sexuality, technology, taoist elements and in general was a really good read, Thanks, Darksat Coments from: Europe Commenter's age: 27 Commenter's gender: male Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Excellent Characters: Excellent Style: Excellent Themes: Excellent Liked best: None Liked least: None Other comments: [url=]long penis[/url] long penis Coments from: Commenter's age: 20 Commenter's gender: female Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Excellent Characters: Excellent Style: Excellent Themes: Excellent Liked best: None Liked least: None Other comments: [url=]bizzaro dr sex xxx[/url] bizzaro dr sex xxx Coments from: Commenter's age: 30 Commenter's gender: female Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Excellent Characters: Excellent Style: Excellent Themes: Excellent Liked best: None Liked least: None Other comments: [url=]adultchatnetwork[/url] adultchatnetwork Coments from: Commenter's age: 20 Commenter's gender: female Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Excellent Characters: Excellent Style: Excellent Themes: Excellent Liked best: None Liked least: None Other comments: [url=]ethiopian porn model[/url] ethiopian porn model Coments from: Commenter's age: 18 Commenter's gender: female Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Excellent Characters: Excellent Style: Excellent Themes: Excellent Liked best: None Liked least: None Other comments: [url=]bizzare anal insertions[/url] bizzare anal insertions Coments from: Commenter's age: 18 Commenter's gender: female Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Fair Characters: Fair Style: Good Themes: Good Liked best: EpBsFnOUhxn Liked least: eHtOQxnaAKzV Other comments: ZVTdFTCKWGODdyhKts Coments from: United States Commenter's age: HNZ Commenter's gender: female Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Excellent Characters: Excellent Style: Excellent Themes: Excellent Liked best: Sports Liked least: Sports Other comments: [url=]underdog sports seattle[/url] underdog sports seattle aflac sports trivia Coments from: Commenter's age: 30 Commenter's gender: female Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: Plot: Characters: Style: Themes: Liked best: Liked least: Other comments: Coments from: Commenter's age: Commenter's gender: Commenter's e-mail: Commenter's host: