Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778)
Outline of Today's Lecture
- Rousseau's life
- The State of Nature and the Origins of Inequality
- The Noble Savage
- Rousseau's Critique of Property Relations
- alienation
- Rousseau on Education and Morality
- Foundations of Civil Society: The Social Contract
- Forcing People to be Free: The General Will
- Rousseau on the Best form of Government
- Rousseau as Critic and Captive of Enlightenment
Names, Terms and Concepts
- Huguenots
- Mme de Warens
- Denis Diderot and the Encyclopedia
- Thérèse Levasseur
Additional resources available on the Internet
- On-line text of the Confessions, Rousseau's autobiography.
- This (appropriately) Swiss server has on-line texts of Rousseau's first and second Discourses and the Social Contract, all in French.