todays birthday pics
Nice reasonably busy day today... with a good Indian food dinner and cheesecake for my birthday.
It's also elusis's birthday. Happy birthday to you!
continuing my attempt to take a few pictures every day, here's the lot from today:
Here's kurt and twyla relaxing as they do most every day:
Here's one of 3(!) wasps nests that were on the umbrella on my deck:
I had the umbrella off to the side for a while while faire was going on and only put it back out last weekend when I had the BBQ. In the mean time the wasps really took up residence. I decided to just leave them alone as long as they would leave me and the dogs alone, but today they buzzed around the dogs and it was time to assert mankinds control over nature though chemical warfare. I was pretty impressed with the can of wasp killer. It had pretty vast range and it took out all the nests without allowing them to even get airborne.
Isn't 3pm about the worst time to water the grass there is?
Finally we have a cherry tree thats off one of the path's where we walk every day. Looks like a nice crop of cherries this year:
Oh, for those readying this via the nirikrss RSS feed to livejournal, if anyone can tell me how to get wordpress to make a cutid thing that exports right via RSS, I would be happy to put cuts before all the pictures. :)