tardy trip report
Well, I made it back to Colorado last night. I would have been home about 2 hours earlier except for T-rex hell in Denver. They had I25 closed northbound, which was fine. They had a detour (which was very long and poorly marked). They were constructing on the detour, making it go down to one lane in some places. Not smart. They should die in a fire.
Other than that it was a pretty uneventful trip.
There is this wacky "saftey corridor" between lordsberg and deming in New Mexico. Not sure what it means, but speeding fines are doubled there:
One of the nicer rest areas in NM that we always stop at:
Just north of Santa Fe there was this big dark thunderstorm ahead:
Unfortunately blurry, but at one point there was enough hail on the ground to look like a coating of snow:
Sunset near raton: