nukestock recap
nukestock this year was fun as always. Here's a recap:
Thursday morning all too bright and early, L dropped by my house and we headed on the road to New Mexico. We wanted to try and leave at something like 6:30, but didn't end up getting all packed up and out the door until about 7:30. This of course meant that we hit denver traffic at just the wrong time. That cost us an hour or so I would say.
L spent the time working on her coustoume:
We got in around 6:30ish and picked up a nice tray of green chile enchaladas on the way over the nukestock hq. Shortly after we got there, folks started arriving for the beer tasting. We sampled quite a pile of beers. Some of them quite good and a few eh. After that was general partying and visiting. Was nice and relaxing. After all that long day we went and passed out at A's house just a few down from nukestock, hq.
Friday luckily didn't start bright and early. We didn't get up until around 11 or so. We picked up a list of items that were needed (propane refill, some items at grocery stores, etc) and headed out to the dessert. A bunch of us (full suburban load) went out to the damm near the airport. That was our old stomping grounds in college. We used to gather out there and have bondfires and blow up tv's. Lots of good memories out there.
Once we got back from the damm and errands, it was time for the party to start. L got into her FSM outfit:
There was tons of good food (mostly fish, shrimp, and other such things). Also, tons of good drynke. An excellent time was had by all.
I was relaxing on the couch and thought it must be around 1 or 2am, and looked at my watch and it was 4:30am!
Saturday was the scavenger hunt/road rally. We were at first going to start in on it at noon, but then decided to wait until 1pm, then we pushed that back until 2pm. So, we got a bit of a late start. Most of the locations/clues were easy to deal with, but there was a lot of running around. There was one coordinate that wasn't right on our list, and that confused us for a bit. Decoding the final set of clues was sorta fun, but we were all tired by then, so we didn't do too good a job on it.
After all that was over, it was time to put back on coustoumes and party hard again. Things were a bit more restrained saturday night, but there was still tons of good food, drynke and company. We all managed to pass out around 2ish after the time change. I didn't get too many pictures from Saturday as my camera got full and I kept forgetting to download pics off it.
Sunday was up far too early again. L's cell phone decided not to realize the new time and woke her an hour earlier than she wanted. Despite all that it wasn't until around 10:30am that we hit the road back for colorado. The ride back was long. There was a random 30min delay in denver where it seemed like they just stopped the interstate for no reason we could tell. Otherwise the drive was uneventfull.
All in all an excellent time. I'm sure I will be down next year like always.