Colorado Castle Faire 2006
This last weekend was the second annual Colorado Castle Faire up near Fort Collins. I didn't make it last year, but wanted to at least stop by some this year. So, sunday afternoon I headed up there.
First of all, they didn't have their site marked very well. There was a small and not very orented banner at the turnoff. Took me a while to find the place. The site was pretty dusty. Apparently saturday they had a ton of wind and dust storms.
By no means was it a big faire, but they were trying. :) They had mead, and a little tavern. The main attraction was apparently some fighting troupes sparring in the middle of the site. There were some romans there who were very nice to talk with. I ran into some old friends there and it was nice to hang out with them and catch up some. There was also a number of folks I knew from the more southern faire.
I spent about 4 hours there and that was just about right. I pretty much looked thru everything and talked to everyone in that time. ;)
Some old friends:
My friend M:
Some of the grounds:
Some of the fighting taking place in the middle area:
Another view of the fighting:
They did have shade for the folks watching the shows:
Looking back at the front gate from the parking lot: