More Nash pics, LOTR screening monday
Here's some Nash pictures from the last week or so:
One of Nash's favorate toys outside is sticks of wood from the woodpile. Oh well, it keeps him amused.
On the longer walks, Nash likes to lay down in shady grass and rest.
"Whats that flashy thing?"
Yes, Nash has found that couches are comfy to lay on... no keeping him off at this point.
Do you think he's comfy?
Not sure if it's the angle, but Nash is a very very messy water drinker. Water flys around and runs off his face after he walks away from the bowl.
A more Modest stick in the yard.
All 3 boys in one shot.
Looking like monday perhaps starting around noon, I will be showing all the LOTR movies...
Drop me an email for more details.