Weekend recap in pictures and words
Friday was nice and busy. Went down and picked the trailer. The guy who was doing the walkthrough with me was an ex greyhound owner. His hound had lived to 15 and passed away recently. The only snag I noticed was that they didn't have a wheel on the tounge jack as I was hoping. They said that they would have to order one, which was anoying. After the walk through, I went over to the dealer to do the paperwork and he scrounged me up a wheel, which was nice of him.
Had no trouble with the tow back home. I noticed the tailer was there when going over bumps and the like, and the brake controller took some fiddling with to get it right. At first it was grabbing pretty hard and pulling when slowing down.
Unfortunately, my neighbor accross the street decided friday was a great day for a yard sale. So, when I got back there were tons of morons parking all over the place making it impossible to try and back the trailer in. So, I just parked down the street a few blocks and waited for the yard sale to get over with. My neighbor regained some karma by coming over and helping direct me. We had it pretty much ready to go all the way into the side yard, but I decided to leave it out for now while I am stocking it and such.
Then, right after parking it was off to down south for a puppy play time/dinner. It was great to see T and T and T's parents. We had 7 hounds there.
Nash and Maisey (the other pup, who is about a month younger than nash) had a lovely time playing and running and such. The food was excellent and very nice surroundings and company. Hopefully we can all get together more often. Nash did manage to pull a lamp over once we moved inside, but luckily the only thing that was hurt was a lightbulb and kurts phobias.
Saturday I took the pups out to the doggie bunker for the first time to see what they would think...
My not too great, but ok parking job. The back right wheel is kinda in a low point, so it's not 100% level...
but it will do for now.
The view in the door. Across to the "couch" and the door to the bathroom on the left.
The view from the back to the front. The dinette table comes off and you can turn that area into a queen sized bed.
There is a bunk up over it as well (weight limit 210lbs)
The view back to the bathroom. It's microscopic, but should work.
With the uncanny ability of the greyhound, kurt finds the couch...
Hounds everywhere.
Merlin says: "Hey, how did kurt get the couch?"
After hanging out in the trailer for a while, I ran out and had a far too expensive target run to get some things to stock it.
It's basically like setting up a new house.
Sunday was nice and relaxed. Took the dogs out for a few hours to hang out in the trailer.
The a/c in there works really really well. On low it would take it down to frigid in about 10min.
Placed an amazon and campingworld order for a bunch of other junk I need before hitting the road.
(convection microwave, trailer dolly, hitch lock, leveling blocks. and various other nick nacks)
Looking forward to getting it on the road next weekend...