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Mid Late March infra bits 2025

Scrye into the crystal ball

Fedora 42 Beta released

Fedora 42 Beta was released on tuesday. Thanks to everyone in the Fedora community that worked so hard on it. It looks to be a pretty nice relase, lots of things in it and working pretty reasonably already. Do take it for a spin if you like:

Of course with the Beta out the door, our infrastructure freeze is lifted and so I merged 11 PR's that were waiting for that on Wed. Also, next week we are going to get in a mass update/reboot cycle before the final freeze the week after.

Ansible galaxy / collections fun

One of the things I wanted to clean up what the ansible collections that were installed on our control host. We have a number that are installed via rpm (from EPEL). Those are fine, we know they are there and what version, etc. Then, we have some that are installed via ansible. We have a requirements.txt file and running the playbook on the control host installs those exact versions of roles/collections from ansible galaxy. Finally we had a few collections installed manually. I wanted to get those moved into ansible so we would always know what we have installed and what version it was. So, simple right? Just put them in requirements.txt. I added them in there and... it said they were just not found.

The problem turned out to be that we had roles in there, but no collections anymore so I had not added a 'collections:' section, and it was trying to find 'roles' with those collection names. The error "not found" was 100% right, but it took me a few to realize why they were not found. :)

More A.I. Scrapers

AI scrapers hitting open source projects is getting a lot of buzz. I hope that some of these scraper folks will realize it's counterproductive to scrape things at a rate that makes them not work, but I'm not holding my breath.

We ran into some very heavy traffic and I had to end up blocking brazil for a while to We also added some CPU's and adjusted things to handle higher load. So far we are handling things ok now and I removed the brazil blockage. But no telling when they will be back. We may well have to look at something like anubis, but I fear the scrapers would just adjust to not be something it can catch. Time will tell.

Thats it for this week folks...

comments? additions? reactions?

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