Some new plugins
Thanks to some quick packaging work by Andrea Veri we have some new plugins we have added to trac on for your tracking pleasure:
- trac-workflowadmin-plugin: This plugin lets you change the ticket workflow on your project. You can setup what states tickets must pass through and in what order. It even gives you a nice little graph of workflow.
- trac-navadd-plugin: This isn't too visible yet, but I am going to hopefully use it to add handy 'register' and 'forgot password' links to all projects. This should help with end user ticket reporting.
- trac-watchlist-plugin: This allows any logged in user to watch tickets or wiki pages without having to CC to the ticket or otherwise distrub it
- trac-tocmacro-plugin: This was enabled in the old fedorahosted, but wasn't packaged up correctly and has been now. This allows you to use a TOC macro to provide table of contents on wiki pages.