13:50:28 #startmeeting 13:50:44 #chair ianweller 13:50:51 #chair herlo 13:50:56 #chair stickster_afk 13:51:45 #topic Fedora Activity Day for Fedora Documentation at Clemson 13:53:16 If you are logged into gobby please put your name on notes so we know you're here. 13:53:31 look, we're starting early! 13:53:40 can anyone hear us?? 13:53:58 yes 13:54:04 yay!! 13:54:12 lots of background chatter 13:54:36 Yep, that's us. 13:54:58 :) 13:55:38 jjmcd: does it sound good? 13:55:57 stickster: o herro 13:56:07 You guys do need to talk up 13:56:18 that works 13:56:50 taking lessons from Redomond, eh? 13:57:38 the static is gone! and you sound good 13:57:38 woo 13:57:40 that is audible 14:02:26 lol 14:03:40 When we get into it, it would probably help if folks said who they were before speaking, at least until we get to recognize the voices 14:03:41 is this being recorded? 14:04:03 They claimed they would, I bet they forgot 14:06:58 Yeah, we're not doing that. The notes are going to be the recording. 14:07:08 Err... the notes on Gobby. 14:07:42 please record it jjmcd 14:07:53 then you can't say we didn't want to :) 14:07:55 doo iit doo iit doo iit 14:07:59 :) 14:08:03 Thanks Starsky 14:08:04 I have to leave for work by 16 UTC 14:13:17 delta - bottleneck on getting packages actually pushed 14:13:45 sounds like a good plan 14:15:54 yes, it is 14:30:24 No, one package 14:30:29 Six docs in RPM 14:38:17 yay! you rock jjmcd et al. 14:39:48 herlo, I'm recording, don't know how it will work. Got talk on a sleaux computer 14:44:09 #topic FAD SELF - sip:2008@fedoraproject.org - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Gobby <-- everybody's there mostly 14:44:45 jjmcd: cool 14:47:33 herlo: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Ianweller/Summer_2009_to-do_list 14:49:38 I sure wish that irssi / gnome-terminal would not cut links off at the : 14:49:43 herlo: AGREEEEEED 15:02:38 :. 15:02:41 :/ 15:05:23 * sseiersen sadly is going to miss most of this FAD 15:13:57 * Sparks is too. 15:14:05 Opps, I'm here 15:22:50 :( 15:54:52 jjmcd: what exactly do you mean by unfriendly postgres changes 15:55:53 That had to do with my FC4 system - I have a LOT of work to do to migrate that box 15:56:33 And most of that work has to do with minor changes in the Postgres API 15:56:40 Lots of Postgres/C code 15:57:25 oic. 16:04:24 ke4qqq: we need foodz! 16:06:53 herlo: What is the schedule/plan for that? 16:08:32 Bah, who needs food? 16:08:38 jjmcd: tell ke4qqq to answer that :) 16:08:50 uclugLee: ME!! 16:09:06 * jjmcd needs to let XYL know 16:09:58 herlo: ok. 16:11:10 ke4qqq: isn't paying attention 16:14:08 bluhhhhhhhh 16:14:09 hi :) 16:14:12 the wiki hates me again 16:16:06 hash tags work on the wiki! (But not ! ) 16:20:14 http://www.flickr.com/photos/7175709@N07/3624909333/ 16:20:20 that's paul's pretty drawing 16:20:38 ianweller: not true, the wiki is just difficult. It's an equal opportunity offender 16:23:22 jjmcd: hmm? 16:30:09 http://www.flickr.com/photos/7175709@N07/3624936621/ <-- updated pic with Paul's updates 16:35:50 Back at 1730 UTC 17:32:57 We should be broadcasting audio again 17:33:01 so you can hear us eating pizza 17:33:03 Back at extension 2008 17:33:08 sip:2008@talk.fedoraproject.org 17:33:21 Well, the recording is a FAIL. I have 738M of high pitched hissing 17:33:40 Don't hear ya 17:34:15 jjmcd: how about now? 17:34:22 OK, because I put address in but hadn't presed the green button 17:34:26 I can hear you now 17:38:55 jjmcd: you there?? 17:39:07 stickster is asking q's 17:41:51 yo 17:41:58 umm 17:42:01 where? 17:42:11 Im getting some weird audio problems 17:42:22 Sounds like a tea kettle 17:42:37 That's kinda what my recording of the first part sounded like 17:44:13 sseiersen: What software are you using? 17:44:21 Twinkle 17:44:26 Hmmm 17:44:39 It was fine earlier 17:44:47 sseiersen: Not sure. Is the volume turned up too high? 17:44:52 sseiersen: Anything changed? 17:45:01 Maybe the AC's blowing on the mic? 17:45:12 Nope 17:45:12 Sparks, nope 17:46:05 sseiersen: I dont' know 17:46:30 idk 17:46:49 Reconnected and still whining noise 17:47:17 hrm... 17:47:24 can u hear stickster ?? 17:50:21 ya 17:50:32 It's fixed 17:50:41 idk what it was 17:51:04 it's coming back!!!! 17:51:08 Oh noes! 17:52:00 :( 17:53:39 still there a bit, but it's tolerable 17:59:57 good 18:22:05 #topic visit http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_SELF for the agenda! 18:25:28 http://tradu.softwareliber.ro/narro_project_list.php?l=ro 18:28:05 stickster: Can you send me two things? 1) The link to the docs.fp.o web statistics and 2) what you are using for irc. 18:28:20 stickster: Opps... meant to send that in a PM 18:28:23 kittens. 18:28:32 1. There is none 18:28:39 2. xchat-gnome 18:30:18 Sparks: More to the point for 1., really that stuff probably exists on the logging hosts in the Fedora Infrastructure 18:30:50 Sparks: You can request information from Infrastructure, or request access that would allow you to run different grep/awk stuff on the logs 18:32:18 stickster: Yeah... Mike has given it to me before... I lost the URL. 18:33:59 it would be nice to have a form for that sort of thing... 18:34:18 and all mike would have to do is say 'approve' 19:45:50 .fasinfo pfrields 19:45:52 stickster: User: pfrields, Name: None, email: stickster@gmail.com, Creation: 2005-04-13, IRC Nick: stickster, Timezone: None, Locale: None, Extension: 5100077, GPG key ID: None, Status: active 19:45:54 stickster: Approved Groups: cla_done accounts web fedorabugs cvsfedora packager docs sysadmin ambassadors art freemedia news disabled_torrent cla_fedora torrentadmin sysadmin-noc bzrpython-fedora fedora-board gitcsi gitrelease-notes gitinstall-guide gitabout-fedora githomepage gitreadme gitreadme-live-image gitreadme-burning-isos gitfedora-doc-utils gittranslation-quick-start-guide irc-support-operators triagers (1 more message) 19:45:57 stickster: Unapproved Groups: None 19:54:31 zodbot: oh hi! 20:30:57 * stickster just packaged his first php module 20:30:58 Ugh 20:34:48 stickster: [[New package process for existing contributors]] 20:47:27 * stickster leaving -- thanks for everything guys! 20:47:32 We accomplished quite a bit 20:47:50 We'll need to come back to those notes later to address with the team at the next meeting 20:47:55 * stickster disappears, time to go catch a plane 20:52:09 * Sparks is bailing... 20:54:57 iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 --output %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{version}/docs/CREDITS.txt %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{version}/docs/CREDITS.txt 23:29:20 * nirik notes someone should #endmeeting for the bot. ;) (But that person must be a chair). 23:49:14 #endmeeting