#!/usr/bin/perl =head1 NAME quick-photo-index - do very simple thumbnails of image directories =head1 SYNOPSIS # do just the current directory quick-photo-index # do multiple directories quick-photo-index vacation-folders-* =head1 DESCRIPTION Takes one or more directories full of images and generates HTML pages with thumbnails and detailed EXIF information on those images. The original images are not touched; rather, this script creates an "index.html" file in each directory with thumbnails of all the images (which are in turn stored in a "tn" subdirectory). The thumbnail images each link to an HTML page with a medium-sized image and a dump of the EXIF data for that picture; both the HTML and the medium-sized image are stored in the "med" subdirectory. The "medium" HTML pages also have basic navigation links (prev/next/up/full-sized). Finally, it creates a "makefile" that has a "clean" target, which removes all these files and subdirectories that it just added. Sample galleries can be found under http://scrye.com/~tkil/photos/ =head1 DEPENDENCIES =head2 External Programs =over =item convert From the ImageMagick suite. This is used to do the actual resizing from original down to thumbnail or medium size. =item jpegtran From the libjpeg library. Does lossless rotation (which I only apply to the medium and thumbnail images -- again, I don't touch the originals.) =back =head2 Perl Modules =over =item Time::HiRes =item Image::Info =back =head1 LICENSE This script is available under the same terms as Perl itself (either the Artistic License, or GPLv2). =head1 AUTHOR Tkil =cut use strict; use warnings; use Scalar::Util qw(reftype); use Cwd qw(cwd); use File::Copy qw(move); use File::Basename qw( basename ); use POSIX qw(strftime); use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval); use Sys::Hostname qw( hostname ); use lib qw( /home/brand1/tkil/perl5/lib/perl5/5.8.0 /home/brand1/tkil/perl5/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0 ); use Image::Info qw(image_info); # prototypes sub find_in_path ( $ ); sub get_unique ( $ ); sub simplify_image_info ( $ ); sub pretty_file_size ( $ ); sub index_one_dir ( $ ); # constants my $TN_SIZE = 256; my $MED_SIZE = 640; # used for resizing, is a part of ImageMagick my $CONVERT_PROG = find_in_path 'convert' or die "couldn't find convert!"; my $CONVERT_QUAL = 85; # used for lossless jpg rotation, is a part of libjpeg my $JPEGTRAN_PROG = find_in_path 'jpegtran' or die "couldn't find jpegtran!"; # change these to whatever you want, otherwise will be determined # automatically my $user_full_name = ''; my $user_email_addr = ''; @ARGV = ( cwd ) unless @ARGV; { my ( $login, $gcos ) = (getpwuid $>)[0,6]; $gcos =~ s/,.*$//; my @chunks = split /\./, hostname; if ( @chunks > 2 ) { shift @chunks; } $user_full_name = $gcos unless $user_full_name; $user_email_addr = $login . '@' . join '.', @chunks unless $user_email_addr; } foreach my $dir ( @ARGV ) { print STDERR "=== $dir ===\n"; index_one_dir $dir; } exit 0; # accepts fully-qualified names and tries to make useful unique names. # works for either files or directories. sub get_unique ($ ) { my $orig = shift; # early optimization: unless (-e $orig) { return $orig; } # now try to get the bits out. $orig =~ s|/$||; # remove trailing slash my ($dir, $base) = ( $orig =~ m{ ^ (.*?) / ([^/]+) $ }x ); my ($start, $num, $ext) = ( $base =~ m{ ^ (.*?) (?: -(\d+) )? (?: \.(\w+) )? $ }x ); $num = 0 unless defined $num; $ext = '' unless defined $ext; # print qq{orig="$orig"\ndir="$dir", base="$base"\nstart="$start", num="$num", ext="$ext"\n}; my $new = $orig; while (-e $new) { ++$num; $new = "$dir/$start-$num"; if ( length $ext ) { $new .= ".$ext"; } } return $new; } sub get_primary_unique ( $ ) { my ( $desired ) = @_; my $unique = get_unique $desired; if ( $unique ne $desired ) { # need to move existing index file to the new name, and we'll just # use index.html regardless. print STDERR "moving $desired\n", " to $unique\n"; move $desired, $unique or die "error moving $desired to $unique: $!"; } return $desired; } sub normalize_file_names ( $ @ ) { my ( $dir, @orig ) = @_; my @new; FILE: for my $file ( @orig ) { # make it lowercase my $new = lc $file; if ( $new =~ m/^..._(\d{4}\.[^.]+)$/ ) { # turn "dcp_1234.jpg" or "b01_1235.jpg" into "1234.jpg" etc $new = $1; } else { # don't mess with it. push @new, $file; next FILE; } # did it actually change? if ( $file ne $new && ! -e "$dir/$new" ) { if ( move "$dir/$file", "$dir/$new" ) { print STDERR " $file -> $new\n"; $file = $new; } else { warn "$0: unable to rename $file to $new: $!"; } } # save the name of the file push @new, $file; } return @new; } sub gen_nav_bar ( $ @ ) { my ( $i, @all_info ) = @_; my @nav_bar = ( [ $all_info[0]{med_html}, 'First' ], [ $all_info[$i]{prev_med_html}, 'Previous' ], [ '../index.html', 'Index' ], [ "../$all_info[$i]{f}", 'Full-Sized'], [ $all_info[$i]{next_med_html}, 'Next' ], [ $all_info[-1]{med_html}, 'Last' ] ); return join ' | ', map { my ( $url, $label ) = @$_; $label =~ s/>/>/g; $label =~ s/$label| : qq|$label|; } @nav_bar; } # largely cribbed in concept from: # http://sylvana.net/jpegcrop/exif_orientation.html sub needs_rotate ( $ ) { my ( $image_info ) = @_; local $_ = $image_info->{Orientation} or return; # yet another image::info glitch? maybe. if ( my $rt = reftype $_ ) { if ( $rt eq 'ARRAY' ) { $_ = $_->[0]; } else { warn "unknown orientation type '$rt'"; return; } } my @args; if ( /top_left/ ) { return } elsif ( /top_right/ ) { push @args, qw( -flip horizontal ) } elsif ( /bot_right/ ) { push @args, qw( -rotate 180 ) } elsif ( /bot_left/ ) { push @args, qw( -flip vertical ) } elsif ( /left_top/ ) { push @args, qw( -transpose ) } elsif ( /right_top/ ) { push @args, qw( -rotate 90 ) } elsif ( /right_bot/ ) { push @args, qw( -transverse ) } elsif ( /left_bot/ ) { push @args, qw( -rotate 270 ) } else { warn "unknown orientation '$_'"; return; } push @args, qw( -copy all ); return @args; } sub index_one_dir ( $ ) { my ( $dir ) = @_; opendir D, $dir or die "couldn't opendir $dir: $!"; my @raw_image_files = grep /\.(?:tiff?|png|jpe?g|gif)$/i, readdir D; closedir D or die "error closing $dir: $!"; unless ( @raw_image_files ) { warn "found no image files in directory $dir!"; return; } my $make_file_fq = "$dir/makefile"; open MAKEFILE, "> $make_file_fq" or die "opening $make_file_fq for write: $!"; print MAKEFILE "clean:\n\trm -rf med tn index.html makefile\n"; close MAKEFILE or die "closing $make_file_fq after write: $!"; my $med_dir_fq = get_primary_unique "$dir/med"; my $tn_dir_fq = get_primary_unique "$dir/tn"; my $index_fq = get_primary_unique "$dir/index.html"; mkdir $tn_dir_fq, 0755 or die "couldn't create directory $tn_dir_fq: $!"; mkdir $med_dir_fq, 0755 or die "couldn't create directory $med_dir_fq: $!"; # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # normalize names my @image_files = normalize_file_names $dir, sort @raw_image_files; # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- open OUT, ">$index_fq" or die "couldn't open $index_fq: $!"; my $ts = do { my $t = time; strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %T %Z", localtime($t) ) . ' [' . strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %TZ", gmtime($t)) . ']' }; my $title = basename $dir; print OUT < $title


HTML my @all_info; # find info for each file individually foreach my $i ( 0 .. $#image_files ) { my $f = $image_files[$i]; my $med = "med-$f"; my $tn = "tn-$f"; my %info = ( f => $f, fq => "$dir/$f", med => $med, med_fq => "$med_dir_fq/$med", tn => $tn, tn_fq => "$tn_dir_fq/$tn" ); my $med_html = $info{med}; $med_html =~ s/(\.\w+)?$/.html/; $info{med_html} = $med_html; $info{med_html_fq} = "$med_dir_fq/$med_html"; $all_info[$i] = \%info; } # find info for interdependencies foreach my $i ( 0 .. $#image_files ) { if ( $i > 0 ) { $all_info[$i]{prev_med_html} = $all_info[$i-1]{med_html}; } if ( $i < $#image_files ) { $all_info[$i]{next_med_html} = $all_info[$i+1]{med_html}; } } my $n_images = @image_files; foreach my $i ( 0 .. $#image_files ) { my $info = $all_info[$i]; my $f = $info->{f}; my $fq = $info->{fq}; print STDERR "$fq [", $i+1, "/$n_images: " . pretty_file_size($fq) . "]: "; # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- print STDERR "\n medium... "; my $med_name_fq = $info->{med_fq}; { my $geom = $MED_SIZE . 'x' . $MED_SIZE; my @args = ( $CONVERT_PROG, '-size', $geom, $fq, '-quality', $CONVERT_QUAL, '-strip', '-geometry', "$geom>", $med_name_fq ); my $t0 = [ gettimeofday ]; my $rc = system @args; if ($rc != 0) { warn "system failed for file \"$f\": $?"; } my $t1 = [ gettimeofday ]; printf STDERR "(%0.2fs) ", tv_interval($t0, $t1); } my $med_html_file = $info->{med_html_fq}; open MED, ">$med_html_file" or die "couldn't open medium html file \"$med_html_file\": $!"; my @rotation_args; my $image_info_table = do { my ($main, $thumb) = image_info $fq; @rotation_args = needs_rotate $main; my $main_simp = simplify_image_info($main); my $thumb_simp = simplify_image_info($thumb); my @rows; foreach my $set ( [ 'Main Image' => $main_simp ], [ 'Thumbnail' => $thumb_simp ] ) { my ($label, $href) = @$set; push @rows, "$label"; foreach my $k (sort keys %$href) { my $v = $href->{$k}; $v =~ s|\n|
|g; push @rows, "$k$v"; } } join "\n", ( "", @rows, "
" ); }; my $nav_bar = gen_nav_bar $i, @all_info; print MED < $f $nav_bar

Image Info

$image_info_table HTML close MED or die "error closing medium html file \"$med_html_file\": $!"; my ($med_name_ref) = $med_html_file =~ m|/([^/]+/[^/]+)$|; print STDERR "[" . pretty_file_size($med_name_fq) . "] "; # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- print STDERR "\n thumbnail... "; my $tn_name_fq = $info->{tn_fq}; { my $geom = $TN_SIZE . 'x' . $TN_SIZE; my @args = ( $CONVERT_PROG, '-size', $geom, $med_name_fq, '-quality', $CONVERT_QUAL, '-strip', '-geometry', "$geom>", $tn_name_fq ); my $t0 = [ gettimeofday ]; my $rc = system @args; if ($rc != 0) { warn "system failed for file \"$f\": $?"; } my $t1 = [ gettimeofday ]; printf STDERR "(%0.2fs) ", tv_interval($t0, $t1); } my ($tn_name_ref) = $tn_name_fq =~ m|/([^/]+/[^/]+)$|; print STDERR "[" . pretty_file_size($tn_name_fq) . "] "; # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( @rotation_args ) { print STDERR "rotating... "; foreach my $key ( qw( med_fq tn_fq ) ) { my $file = $info->{$key}; my $tmp = $file . ".tmp"; move $file, $tmp; my @cmd = ( $JPEGTRAN_PROG, @rotation_args, '-outfile', $file, $tmp ); # print "trans: @cmd\n"; system @cmd; unlink $tmp; } } print STDERR "done.\n"; print OUT <$f HTML } print OUT < Generated by $user_full_name <$user_email_addr>
at $ts
using quick-photo-index. HTML close OUT or die "error closing $index_fq: $!"; } # given a name of a program, look through $ENV{PATH} to see if we can # find where it comes from. returns the fully-qualified path to the # executable. { my ( @paths, $path_init ); sub find_in_path ( $ ) { my $prog = shift; unless ($path_init) { @paths = split /:/, $ENV{PATH} || ""; $path_init = 1; } foreach my $p (@paths) { my $candidate = "$p/$prog"; return $candidate if -x $candidate; } return; } } # given a hash reference as an argument, return another hash reference # with all the EXIF values displayed sanely. sub simplify_image_info ( $ ) { my $info_href = shift; my $chars_to_int = sub { my $s = shift; return join " ", unpack "C*", $s; }; my $rational = sub { my ($rat, $n_dec) = (@_, 0); my ($num, $denom) = @{$rat}[0,1]; my $format = '%.' . $n_dec . 'f'; return ($denom == 0 ? "NaN" : sprintf $format, $num/$denom ); }; my $decode_color_components = sub { my $aref = shift; my (@c, @t, @h, @v); $aref = [ $aref ] unless reftype($aref) eq 'ARRAY'; foreach my $href ( @$aref ) { push @c, $href->{ComponentIdentifier}; push @h, $href->{HorizontalSamplingFactor}; push @v, $href->{VerticalSamplingFactor}; push @t, ( $href->{HorizontalSamplingFactor} * $href->{VerticalSamplingFactor} ); } local $" = ":"; return "@c @t (Horiz=@h, Vert=@v)"; }; my $chars_to_hex = sub { my ( $blob, $max_lines ) = @_; my @output; while (length $blob) { my $chunk = substr $blob, 0, 32, ''; push @output, unpack "H*", $chunk; } if ( $max_lines ) { my $excess_lines = @output - $max_lines; if ( $excess_lines > 0 ) { $#output = $max_lines-1; push @output, "[omitting $excess_lines lines]" } } return join "\n", @output; }; my $dump_whatever; my $dump_array = sub { my $aref = shift; return '[ ' . join(' ', map $dump_whatever->($_), @$aref ) . ' ]'; }; my $dump_hash = sub { my $href = shift; return '{ ' . join(', ', map( { "$_ => " . $dump_whatever->($href->{$_}) } sort keys %$href) ) . ' }'; }; $dump_whatever = sub { my $thingy = shift; if ( my $rt = reftype $thingy) { if ( $rt eq 'ARRAY' ) { return $dump_array->($thingy) } if ( $rt eq 'HASH' ) { return $dump_hash->($thingy) } else { return "$thingy" } } else { return $thingy; } }; my %action_for = ( 'ApertureValue' => [ $rational, 1 ], 'BitsPerSample' => $dump_whatever, 'ColorComponents' => undef, 'ColorComponentsDecoded' => $decode_color_components, # 'ComponentsConfiguration' => $chars_to_int, 'ExposureIndex' => $rational, 'FNumber' => [ $rational, 1 ], # 'FileSource' => $chars_to_int, 'FocalLength' => [ $rational, 1 ], 'MakerNote' => [ $chars_to_hex, 10 ], 'MaxApertureValue' => [ $rational, 1 ], # 'SceneType' => $chars_to_int, 'ShutterSpeedValue' => [ $rational, 1 ], 'SubjectDistance' => [ $rational, 2 ], 'App13-Photo' => [ $chars_to_hex, 10 ], ); my %simplified_value_of; foreach my $key (keys %$info_href) { my $value = $info_href->{$key}; unless (exists $action_for{$key}) { if ( ref($value) && reftype($value) eq 'ARRAY' ) { $simplified_value_of{$key} = '[ ' . join( ' ', @$value ) . ' ]'; next; } my $value_str = $value . ""; # stringify # check for non-printable characters if ( $value_str =~ /[^ \x0a \x0d \x20-\x7e \xa0-\xff ]/x ) { # if there are any, make it a hex string $simplified_value_of{$key} = $chars_to_hex->($value); } else { # otherwise, just use stringified value $simplified_value_of{$key} = $value_str; } next; } my $action = $action_for{$key}; next unless defined $action; # undef action means "skip" my @extra_args; if (ref($action) =~ /^ARRAY/ ) { @extra_args = @$action; $action = shift @extra_args; } $simplified_value_of{$key} = $action->($value, @extra_args); } return \%simplified_value_of; } # return the file size, formatted nicely. sub pretty_file_size ( $ ) { my $file = shift; return "" unless -e $file; my $size = -s _; my @prefixes = ( '', 'Ki', 'Mi', 'Gi', 'Ti' ); while ($size > 1024) { $size /= 1024; shift @prefixes; } return sprintf "%.1f %sB", $size, $prefixes[0]; } # Local Variables: # mode: cperl # cperl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: